Investing in Doctors’ Emotional Intelligence improves performance
In this article, we look at how the NHS (National Health Service) South East region developed the Emotional Intelligence of Doctors and Doctors’ Appraisers to improve performance.
NHS South East recognised there was a need to develop Doctor’s Appraisers to enable them to:
Better judge the quality of Doctors going through the revalidation process.
To provide improved leadership and support for Doctors' future learning.
After an extensive job analysis process and review of the medical and management literature, the conclusion was that building Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Doctors and their Appraisers would be the best strategy for improving performance.
Developing a programme for Doctors and appraisers using EBW Business EQ
Above: NHS South East worked together with EBW Certified Partners and Global Psychologists to develop a programme for Doctors & appraisers using Business Emotional Intelligence.
NHS South East chose to work with EBW Global because of its focus on and straightforward approach to Emotional Intelligence in the workplace - particularly our Business EQ Assessment - a powerful diagnostic tool that enables you to get to the root of individual behavioural dynamics by measuring 7 multidimensional emotional behavioural traits that predict occupational performance.
NHS South East worked together with EBW Certified Partners and EBW Global Psychologists to develop a programme for Doctors & appraisers using the EBW Business EQ Assessment as the foundational tool to drive improved individual insight and self-awareness. Using the EBW model Doctors could quickly understand and easily understand how their emotions impacted on behaviour when giving feedback.
The development programme consisted of:
Personal feedback on the EBW Assessment
Discussion on how Emotional Intelligence impacts on patient feedback & appraisal
Opportunities to practise & receive feedback using a simulated appraisal & written exercise
A learning log to record and reflect on Emotional Intelligence
Evaluation by participants, observers and simulators
The programme provides feedback using EQ in the workplace plus the opportunity to practice the new knowledge and skills to embed learning.
The results were increased self-awareness, motivation & performance
The programme we developed for the NHS has been run regularly for 4 years now. Its reputation as one of the best programmes to attend for personal development means it continues to be very well supported.
Prof. A Tavabie Dean of Postgraduate GP Education said that:
"Our experience to date has demonstrated that the EBW Emotional Intelligence process has increased Doctors’ self awareness and motivates them in their roles"
Benefits reported by Doctors and appraisers in the programme
A Quantitative Evaluation revealed the following benefits and results were achieved:
95% of participants agreed that the content was relevant to Doctors and the appraiser role.
88% of participants reported being confident that they would apply the new knowledge and skills gained from the programme when carrying out their professional role as a Doctor and/or appraiser in future.
76% of participants agreed that there was sufficient opportunity in the programme to develop the Emotional Intelligence skills needed to be an effective Doctors appraiser.
Using Emotional Intelligence in medical organisations is effective and particularly well received
Our experience with the NHS South East demonstrated how particularly suitable the EBW Emotional Intelligence approach is for a medical setting with Doctors and appraisers. We have found that it is not only extremely effective, but it is very well-received by everyone taking part in the programme.
We found consistently that Emotional Intelligence sessions created a safe and positive climate for receiving feedback & reflecting on performance for Doctors and their appraisers. In particular, the ability to have instant reliable feedback enhanced participant self-awareness and developed their Emotional Intelligence further.
The EBW has also been used across the NHS in a variety of organisations and medical practices including:
British Medical Association; General Medical Council; Carers Foundation Trust, Chesterfield NHS Trust, Central Lancashire PCT; East Midland Deanery; York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Greater Glasgow and Clyde PCT; London Strategic Health Authority; University College London Hospital; University of Teesside – School of Health & Social Care (Nurse Training); Welsh Local Health Boards etc.
This success story shows that a similar approach could be valuable across other management & developmental relationships to improve performance even further.
How you can Boost Performance
Business Emotional Intelligence can be used with great success in a variety of occupational settings to improve the self-awareness, motivation & performance of groups of individuals who need to work together effectively.
Are you inspired to start using Business Emotional Intelligence in your organisation? Find out more about the Business EQ Assessment or our Boosting Group Performance solutions.
Discover How Business Emotional Intelligence Transforms Leaders and Teams
If you would you like your leaders and teams to improve their decisions and the way they work together, click a button below to see how investing in Business Emotional Intelligence can make a difference or find an EBW Certified Partner to help you.